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FREE Call To Learn How To Reverse Your IBD

Over the years, I've helped many people live symptom free from Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's Disease.

I will take you through the steps that my clients and I have used to eliminate our symptoms naturally, and help you to cut out the noise.

You can get normal inflammation scores & normal colonoscopy results.
Steven Root
IBD Coach
My name is Steven Root and I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition IBD Coach & IBD Advocate.
I was diagnosed with IBD around 20 years ago and I've now worked with thousands of people with UC & Crohn's.

I've repeatedly seen the same, simple steps prove to be effective in getting rid of IBD symptoms and effective in keeping them away. You don't need anything complicated as some other resources and programs want you to believe.

I've been drug free and symptom free for many years now and it is my mission in life to help you to have the same experience. 

You Can Ask Me Anything You Can Think Of...

Some people have asked:
  • ​"I'm in a flare, what should I eat? There is so much information out there and I'm not sure what I should do."
  • ​"My doctor wants me to take steroids / biologics. I'm scared. What should I do?"
  • "​How do I stay symptom free? I seem to have a flare every few months and I'm not sure why."
  • ​"Will I ever be able to live a normal life? I feel like I'm trapped and I don't feel like I can live freely."
  • "What diet & supplements would you recommend for my current symptoms? There are too many options."
  • "Should I be using probiotics / fermented foods? Which ones? I'm not sure if they're helping or hurting me."
  • "I've been sick for so long. What could still be triggering me? I don't know why I'm still having symptoms."
  • ​"Can I still exercise or should I be resting in order to heal? I'm not sure if I'm helping or hurting myself."
  • "​I'm so down and have been for so long. How can I feel better? I feel like nobody understands what I'm going through."
  • ​And many more.
Thousands of people are living symptom free.
Here are just a few of my client testimonials.

Viliam, Czech Republic

"Hi Steve,

How is life going anyway ?

Mine has been good so far. I am so grateful for what I've experienced and learned throughout previous year. I feel strong and healthy with confidence that I am on the right track to nourish this body and mind and get the most of the life. And I want to thank you again for the time I had the opportunity to work with you and for the insiration and hope you gave me.

Winter is slowly going away in Europe and I am really looking forward to get some tan and warm into my bones. I am responibly getting into shape for summer and still enjoying the "diet" - I think I gained at least 8kgs of lean mass since Ive started following your programme, this is so great and I feel f*cking amazing. 😀

My digestion seems really in a good shape, zero symptoms at all and I think it is still improving.

Photo below is from my cold exposure trip and the other one is closer look on my current shape, still in progress but I am so happy about it, so I want to share it. 😀

The last one is my colonoscopy result - colon clean and healthy, like a newborn baby - just amazing. Feel free to use these if you like, as a proof for others that results can be achieved, if the job is done !

I wish you all the best for the following days.

Take care my friend !
You don't need to keep living like this.

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